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Chinese Linguistics in Leipzig 漢語語言學在萊比錫

Chinese Linguistics in Leipzig. Edited by Redouane DJAMOURI, Barbara MEISTERERNST & Rint SYBESMA, 2008, CLÉ(2). ISBN 2-910216-09-8. Price : 30 euros / $ 35

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Foreword  前言

This volume contains a selection of the papers that were presented at the 5th bi-annual meeting of the European Association of Chinese Linguistics which was held at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany, 4-7 September 2007.

The papers in this volume cover a broad array of subjects in Chinese linguistics and as broad an array of approaches to the study of Chinese languages. After Bernard Comrie discusses the typological position of Sinitic in comparing it with the languages to its North and to its South, we look at a number of Chinese linguistic phenomena from a historical point of view. Roman Shapiro tries to determine at what time in their development the Beijing and Sichuan dialects of Mandarin started to diverge using the glottochronology approach. Haeree Park is reconsidering what we know about the Old Chinese chuān phonetic series by looking at related characters in newly excavated texts. Yu-Cheng Huang studies the different uses of bào (as in such expressions as 爆發 and 遜爆) and presents a historical account for them. Elisabeth de Boer describes the theories Japanese Buddhists developed with respect to Chinese tones from the end of the 9th Century onwards.

Staying with phonology, but moving to synchronic linguistics, Patricia Mueller-Liu gives an account of the forms and functions of the rise in some utterance-final edge tones in Mandarin Chinese.

The remaining papers deal with many different aspects of the syntax, the  morphology and the lexicon of Mandarin, Cantonese, Chaozhou and Southern Min. Linda Badan investigates lián, dōu and lián…dōu to determine how one expresses ‘even’ in Mandarin. Robert Iljic provides a detailed study of the semantics of aspectual particle guò. Jiun-Shiung Wu and Wen-Hsing Tseng throw a new light on zero anaphora in Mandarin by looking at it from the perspective of Segmented Discourse Representation Theory.

Moving to the South, Nai-Fai Wong defends the claim that Cantonese saai3 is a maximality operator taking an ordered set of events or degrees as its argument, and Stephen Matthews and Virginia Yip look at several markers in Chaozhou and how they are involved in distinguishing different types of intransitivity.

Crossing the Taiwan Strait, I-hsuan Chen and Chinfa Lien aim at teasing apart the different semantic and syntactic properties of kóng + topic constructions in Taiwanese Southern Min (TSM), while Chenju Chen and Chinfa Lien explore the properties of transfer of possession verbs (giving, receiving, borrowing) in a range of double object constructions in that same language. Jenny Yichun Kuo, May-ling Lee and James H.-Y. Tai present an initial study of the cognitive principles involved in the use of classifiers in TSM. Finally, and still staying with TSM, Chinfa Lien reports on his work on the semantic and syntactic properties of special types of passive and causative constructions in Taiwanese, especially constructions featuring khit4-hoo7 and hoo7.

本論文集收錄了在第五屆歐洲漢語語言學學會雙年會上發表的部分會議論文。該會議於200794日至7日在德國萊比錫(Leipzig)的馬克斯-普朗克協會進化人類學研究所(Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology)舉行。

本集中的文章涵蓋了有關漢語語言學研究的一系列課題及理論研究方法。Bernard Comrie首先把漢語跟北部和南部諸語言對比,討論了漢語在類型學上所処的位置。在這之後我們又從歷時角度對衆多漢語語言學現象作了研究。Roman Shapiro嘗試運用詞源統計分析法(glottochronology)來確定北京話和四川話演變過程中開始分化(diverge)的時間。Haeree Park 研究了新發現文本中和相關的字,並重新討論古漢語中字的諧聲系列(phonetic series)。Yu-Cheng Huang 討論了的不同用法 (例如在爆發遜爆中的不同用法),並給出了歷時的解釋。Elisabeth de Boer 闡述了 9 世紀以來日本佛教(Japanese Buddhists)中漢字音調的演變裏論。

Patricia Mueller-Liu 從語音學入手,既而轉向共時語言學角度,解釋了漢語普通話中句末音調(utterance-final edge tones)興起的形式及功能。

其余的文章涉及了普通話、粵語、潮州話以及閩南語的句法、形態和詞彙等不同方面。Linda Badan 調查了普通話中如何用來表達即使的概念。Robert Iljic 詳細討論了態助詞的語義内容。Jiun-Shiung Wu Wen-Hsing Tseng 運用切語篇表徵理論(Segmented Discourse Representation Theory)賦予了普通話中零形回指(zero anaphora)現象一個新的解釋。

再向南推進,Nai-Fai Wong 論證了粵語中saai3 是一個最大化算子,其論元是一個事件或程度的順序集合。Stephen Matthews Virginia Yip 討論了潮州話中幾個區别標記,及它们如何區分不同類型的不及物性。

跨過海峽對岸,I-hsuan Chen Chinfa Lien 致力于區分臺灣閩南語 (TSM) kóng +話題結構的不同語義和句法特點。Chenju Chen Chinfa Lien 探討了該語言不同雙賓結構中傳遞類動詞(給予類,接受類,借出類)的特徵。Jenny Yichun KuoMay-ling Lee James H.-Y 初步研究了其中量詞使用的認知原則 。最後還是關於臺灣閩南語,Chinfa Lien 闡述了幾種特殊被動和使動結構,特别是 khit4-hoo7 hoo7 結構,的語義和句法特點。

Contents  目錄

  • Foreword 前言

  • Bernard Comrie, The areal typology of Chinese: between North and Southeast Asia, 1-22

  • Roman Shapiro, Glottochronology for the study of Beijing and Sichuan dialects of Mandarin Chinese, 23-38

  • Haeree Park, A revision of the Old Chinese chuān phonetic series through discovered texts, 39-52

  • Yu-Cheng Huang 黃育正, 現代漢語「爆」的歷時語義與語法功能的演變過程, 53-70

  • Elisabeth M. de Boer, The Middle Chinese tones through Japanese eyes, 71-86

  • Patricia Mueller-Liu, Revisiting “successive tonal addition” – the forms and functions of rising utterance-final edge tones in Mandarin Chinese, 87-100

  • Linda Badan, The even-construction in Mandarin, 101-116

  • Robert Iljic, A unified account of the aspectuo-temporal marker guo in Mandarin Chinese, 117-130

  • Jiun-Shiung Wu & Wen-Hsing Tseng, Locating antecedents to zero anaphora in Mandarin: an SDRT approach, 131-146

  • Nai-Fai Wong, Scale, maximality and the Cantonese particle saai3 ‘all’, 147-162

  • Stephen Matthews & Virginia Yip, Passive, unaccusative and pretransitive constructions in Chaozhou,.163-175

  • I-hsuan Chen & Chinfa Lien, The interaction between the construction kóng + topic and its thematic markers in Taiwanese Southern Min, 175-190

  • Chenju Chen & Chinfa Lien, Transfer of possession verbs in Taiwanese Southern Min: a case study of lexical and constructional effects, 191-206

  • Jenny Yichun Kuo, May-ling Lee & James H.-Y. Tai, Categorization patterns of classifiers in Taiwan Southern Min, 207-222

  • Chinfa Lien, Special types of passive and causative constructions in TSM, 223-238

  • Abstracts 提要,  239

  • List of contributors and contact information, 247

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Campus Condorcet
Bâtiment Recherche Sud
5 Cours des Humanités
93322 Aubervilliers cedex