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Conférences de Wang Jian

La langue hui (sinitique) , variété de Jixi , parlé dans la province de Anhui en Chine
Série de conférences données par le Professeur WANG Jian (Shanghai Jiaotong University)

1) 赣语抚州方言系词“是”的特殊用法 (Special uses of the copular 是 ɕi11 in the Fuzhou dialect (Gan, Sinitic))
​Vendredi 2 février, de 10h à 12h, 96, bd Raspail (IISMM, salle de réunion, 1er étage, 96 bd Raspail 75006 Paris)

The copular 是 ɕi11 in the Fuzhou dialect, one of Gan languages of Jiangxi Province, is a multi-functional word which can not only be used in the same way as its counterpart in Standard Mandarin 是ʂʅ51,but also can be used as a sentence-final particle expressing various modal meanings, a topic marker and a comparative marker. Furthermore, 是 ɕi11 in the Fuzhou dialect can be used as an existential verb and a verb to denote inalienable possession. All these aspects will be explored during the presentation.

2) Bare classifier constructions in the Jixi dialect
Vendredi 9 février, de 10h à 12h, 96, bd Raspail (IISMM, salle de réunion, 1er étage, 96 bd Raspail 75006 Paris)​

In this talk, an analysis of a special type of classifier phrase in the Jixi dialect of Hui is presented. By ‘bare classifier phrase’ (hereafter [CL-N] phrase), we intend to refer to the phrase which is formed by a classifier and a noun without any numerals or demonstratives preceding the classifier. In standard Mandarin, for instance, a [CL-N] phrase can only appear in postverbal position and it must have an indefinite reading (Zhu 1981).
By contrast, in the Jixi dialect (Hui), a [CL-N] can appear not only in postverbal position but also in preverbal position and it can have either a definite or indefinite reading. Furthermore, a [CL-N] can act as predicate in an existential construction.
Another difference concerns the structural particle de的 in standard Mandarin which can act as a relative clause marker with the head normally being a DCN phrase (demonstrative+classifier+noun). In the Jixi dialect the equivalent of 的is nə仂 and the head is permitted to be a [CL-N] phrase.

3) The a​spectual system ​of the Jixi dialect​ of Hui (Sinitic, Sino-Tibetan)​​
​Mercredi 14 février, de 17h30h à 19h, Les Salons, INALCO, 2 rue de Lille, 75007 Paris

I adopt the two-component model which was proposed by Smith (1997) to describe the aspectual system of the Jixi dialect (Hui, Sinitic). Like standard Mandarin, the Jixi dialect makes a primary distinction between the perfective and imperfective aspects. In this talk besides discussing the set of markers which denote different aspectual meanings, I also analyze certain phase markers which contribute to the perfective or the imperfective viewpoints and to the specification of situation type.
Reference: Smith, Carlota S. 1997 The parameter of aspect (2nd ed.) Springer Science Business Media, B.V.

4) Modality in the Jixi dialect​ of Hui (Sinitic, Sino-Tibetan)​​
​Vendredi 16 février, de 10h à 12h, 96, bd Raspail (IISMM, salle de réunion, 1er étage, 96 bd Raspail 75006 Paris)​

J. van der Auwera & V.A. Plungian (1998: 80) propose the term ‘modality’ for ‘those semantic domains that involve possibility and necessity as paradigmatic variants, that is, as constituting a paradigm with two possible choices, possibility and necessity’. They also subcategorize modality into just four domains: ‘participant-internal modality’, ‘participant-external modality’, ‘deontic modality’ and ‘epistemic modality’.
In this talk, I introduce modality in the Jixi dialect under the framework of J. van der Auwera & V.A. Plungian (1998). In the Jixi dialect, the participant’s ability can be expressed by a potential complement compound. The auxiliary verb 要iə324 is used to express the participant’s internal necessity, while the auxiliary verb有得iə55niʔ0 is often employed to express participant-external possibility. In contrast to this, the phrase 只好 ʦeʔ32xə55 formed by the adverb只 ʦeʔ32 and the auxiliary verb 好xə55 is frequently used to express participant-external necessity. The Jixi dialect employs auxiliary verbs 好xə55, 有得iə55niʔ0 and 可以 kʰo53i55 to express permission. Finally, the adverb 可能 kʰo53nã32 and 应该iã35ka21 are the most frequently used words to express epistemic modality.

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Centre de Recherches Linguistiques sur l'Asie Orientale -UMR 8563

Campus Condorcet
Bâtiment Recherche Sud
5 Cours des Humanités
93322 Aubervilliers cedex